How can I use my Klook e-Gift Card?
- Sign up for a Klook account, or log in
- Head to the Klook e-Gift Card page (, and enter your Klook e-Gift Card code in the “Redeem a card” redemption box
- The Klook e-Gift Card value will be loaded into your Klook account immediately
- Select activities on Klook and add them into your cart
- Go to checkout, and tick on ‘Klook gift card’ to ensure that your Klook e-Gift Card value is used as part of your payment method
- At checkout, you can also stack on other Klook promo codes or KlookCash
- If the Klook e-Gift Card value is not enough to cover your purchase, you may choose to use other payment methods such as credit/debit cards or Apple Pay for the remaining amount
Each Klook e-Gift card can only be redeemed once