Here's how you can earn CapitaStar Points

Select destination on search bar to find desired activity and proceed to make booking

Enter your Singapore Mobile Number prior to checking out

Earn points when you complete your activity!

Hong Kong







Terms & Conditions

    • This campaign ("Campaign") is jointly organised by Capitastar Pte Ltd. ("CAPITASTAR") and Klook Travel Technology Pte Ltd ("Partner").
    • To enjoy the benefit of the Partner Incentive, you must be a member (“Members”) of the CAPITASTAR Rewards Program and must make a successful purchase on Partner. At the point of checkout, the Member must enter their mobile number to qualify for the Partner Incentive.
    • Partner will not support any changes or the addition of mobile number after the Purchase has been made.
    • CAPITASTAR shall award STAR$ per successful purchase on Partner Website or App, in accordance with a rate of 40 STAR$ per $1 spent.
    • CAPITASTAR shall credit the STAR$ earned into Members’ accounts within 45 days of successful completion of activity / activities purchased on Partner Website or App.
    • The STAR$ are not cumulative and will not be awarded to Members who elect to receive incentives from another loyalty partner at checkout.
    • STAR$ earned in connection with the incentive are non-transferable.
    • STAR$ cannot be exchanged for cash or other products from Partner.
    • Where STAR$ are earned on the basis of the amount spent, unless otherwise specified, STAR$ are only earned on the nett purchase price after all discounts, cancellations and refunds have been applied, and will be rounded to 2 decimal points.
    • The Members are bound by the terms and conditions of Partner and the CAPITASTAR Rewards Program, as may be amended by CAPITASTAR Pte Ltd (“Company”) from time to time.
    • In case of Member dispute, the decision of Partner shall be final.
    • This Partner Incentive is independent of, and unrelated to, any offer or arrangement between the Company and Members, which is at the Company’s sole discretion and for which the Company is solely responsible for, and the terms and conditions of the CAPITASTAR Rewards Program shall continue to apply to Members without any amendment, variation or modification.

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