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Häagen-Dazs, Starbucks... and more!

15% off or more on all journeys

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Trusted by 1M+ travellers! Rated 4.9 with 65K+ reviews!

How to book

Select departure time and route

Bundle your THSR ticket with transport, theme parks, dining, massages, and other experiences to save up to NT$1562

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Earn double THSR TGo points on your birthday! (300 points = NT$60 off)




67469 reviews


板橋站 - 台中站(來回) ·
車内環境は快適で静かで広々としており、荷物を置くための特別な場所があります。高速鉄道の職員もバスで食堂車を押している。急いで高速鉄道の駅に入ったばかりで食べ物を買う時間がない場合でも、食堂車でお気に入りの軽食や飲み物を見つけることができます。電車にも鉄道弁当があるように、お茶やお水はお弁当🍱が付いてくる場合もあります。高速鉄道 APP には、英語、日本語、韓国語、フランス語、ドイツ語などの複数の言語オプションを備えた国際版 APP を統合することをお勧めします。それともすでに利用可能ですか? 차량 내부 환경은 편안하고 조용하며 넓으며, 짐을 보관할 수 있는 공간도 따로 마련되어 있습니다. 버스에서 식당 카트를 밀고 있는 고속철도 직원도 있습니다. 급하게 고속철도역에 들어서서 음식을 살 시간이 없더라도 식당차에서는 좋아하는 간식과 음료를 찾을 수 있습니다. 차와 물은 도시락 상자와 함께 제공될 수도 있습니다 🍱. 마치 기차에도 철도 도시락 상자가 있는 것처럼 말이죠. 고속철도 앱은 국제 버전의 앱과 영어, 일본어, 한국어, 프랑스어, 독일어 등 다양한 언어 옵션을 통합하는 것이 좋습니다. 아니면 이미 사용 가능합니까?The car environment is comfortable, quiet and spacious, and there is a special place to prevent luggage. There are also high-speed rail staff pushing dining carts on the train. Even if you have just entered the high-speed rail station in a hurry and don’t have time to buy food, you can still find your favorite snacks and drinks in the dining car. Tea and water may even come with bento boxes🍱, just like trains also have railway bento boxes. It is recommended that the high-speed rail app can integrate an international version of the app with multiple language options such as English, Japanese, Korean, French, and German. Or is it already available?
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台中站 - 板橋站(來回) ·
舒適的座車環境、安靜又寬敞還有專門防止行李的位置,還有高鐵人員在車上推餐車,即使剛很匆忙進來高鐵站🚉沒有時間買吃的,也可以在餐車找到喜歡的零食飲料茶水甚至有可能有便當🍱,如同火車也會有鐵路便當一樣。建議高鐵app 能整合一個app國際版,英文日文韓文法文德文等多國語言選擇,還是早就有了呢? The high speed railroad of car inside environment is comfortable, luxurious, quiet and spacious, and there is a special place to prevent luggage. There are also high-speed rail staff pushing dining carts on the train. Even if you have just entered the high-speed rail station in a hurry and don’t have time to buy food, you can still find your favorite snacks and drinks in the dining car. Tea and water may even come with bento boxes🍱, just like trains also have railway bento boxes. It is recommended that the high-speed rail app can integrate an international version of the app with multiple language options such as English, Japanese, Korean, French, and German. Or is it already available?
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台北站 - 雲林站 ·
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左營站 - 台北站 ·
《名偵探柯南》連載30週年了!為迎接這特別的時刻,官方特別舉辦【名偵探柯南 連載30週年紀念展】,陸續於東京、福岡、札幌、仙台、大阪……等各地巡迴展出,這個暑假終於確定來台! 《名偵探柯南》以解謎為故事主軸,外表看似小孩智慧卻過於常人的柯南,以其魅力風靡全球30年!【名偵探柯南 連載30週年紀念展】集合歷年來的精華內容,規劃出連載30週年的歷史回顧,六大主題展區,首次公開作者青山剛昌老師的超珍貴手稿,更重現老師的工作室場景。為了本次展覽,青山剛昌老師特別繪製全新一系列週年手稿設計,將於展內等待大家蒞臨!場內還有日本空運來台限量周邊商品,及台灣設計連載30週年紀念展限定商品,喜歡柯南的粉絲們,絕對不可錯過! 展區介紹 開幕 30週年江戶川柯南等身模型現身!將與大家一起回顧《名偵探柯南》30年來的作品點滴。
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左營站 - 台北站 ·
1. 高鐵各車站售票櫃台、自動售票機,持「高鐵訂位代號」及訂位時使用之「取票人身分證字號或護照號碼」取票(請務必預留時間,提前取票) 2. 台灣高鐵合作之便利商店(7-11、全家、萊爾富、OK超商)取票,每張車票需支付TWD 10手續費,取票規則請參考說明 **提醒您,若現場取實體高鐵票,如需變更/退票,需至原取票窗口辦理,Klook 不受理線上變更/退票(請務必索取「退票證明」以便申請加購項目退款)
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台南站 - 南港站 ·
經常網購,總有大量的包裹收,有很多的評語要寫! 但是,總是寫評語花掉了我大量的時間和精力! 所以在一段時間裡,我總是不去評價或者隨便寫寫! 但是,我又總是覺得好像有點對不住那些辛苦工作的賣家客服、倉管、老闆。 於是我寫下了一小段話,給我覺得能拿到我五星好評的賣家的寶貝評價裡面以示感謝和尊敬! 寶貝是性價比很高的,我每次都會先試用再評價的,雖然寶貝不一定是最好的,但在同等的價位裡面絕對是表現最棒的。
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桃園站 - 嘉義站 ·
嘉義高鐵站內的商家相對於其他高鐵站 真的有點偏少(・_・; 有7-11、摩斯、爭鮮、星巴克、翰林茶棧、 舊振南、旺萊山、高鐵便當與萬國通路 另外高鐵站設有4個出入口 但好像只有3號出口能搭乘計程車 其他入口搭乘的話好像會被舉發 廁所的話好像只有在第一與第四出口有設置 要搭乘高鐵的話可乘手扶梯 若有大型行李或是身障人士的話 可搭乘在四號出口旁的電梯上去 另外若要購票或ATM提款都有機台可用 但ATM目測好像僅有富邦銀行的機台 在站內晃呀晃最後只買了個奶酥炸彈跟麥茶 因為高鐵站內的餐飲價格讓我寧可開去市區 好好扒碗雞肉飯(´・ω・`)
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左營站 - 台北站 ·
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台北站 - 左營站 ·
如何領取高鐵車票? 訂購單程票之旅客將收到1組訂位代號,來回票之旅客將收到去程及回程分別各1組訂位代號(共2組) * 線上取票:高鐵 T-EX App 請下載並更新高鐵 T-EX App,透過「載入訂位」功能輸入「高鐵訂位代號(8碼)」及「取票人身分證字號或護照號碼末4碼」,即可於 App 進行線上取票,領票詳情說明請參考台灣高鐵官網 **提醒您,若使用高鐵 T-EX App 手機取票,如需變更/退票,需至高鐵車站售票窗口辦理,Klook 不受理線上變更/退票(務必索取「退票證明」以便申請加購項目退款) * 現場取票 1. 高鐵各車站售票櫃台、自動售票機,持「高鐵訂位代號」及訂位時使用之「取票人身分證字號或護照號碼」取票(請務必預留時間,提前取票) 2. 台灣高鐵合作之便利商店(7-11、全家、萊爾富、OK超商)取票,每張車票需支付TWD 10手續費,取票規則請參考說明 **提醒您,若現場取實體高鐵票,如需變更/退票,需至原取票窗口辦理,Klook 不受理線上變更/退票(請務必索取「退票證明」以便申請加購項目退款)
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桃園站 - 左營站 ·
埔心牧場位於郊區,是一個充滿自然風光和豐富活動的理想場所。無論是家庭、朋友還是情侶,這裡都能為大家帶來快樂和放鬆的時刻。 埔心牧場的魅力之一是坐環場小火車,乘坐小火車繞行園區,沿途欣賞到園區的美景和迷人的風光,讓人感受到融入大自然的奇妙體驗。 除了坐小火車遊園外,埔心牧場還提供各種活動供遊客參與。在親子戲水區,家庭可以一起嬉戲玩耍,盡情享受水上樂趣。露營區則提供了一個與大自然親密接觸的機會,讓人們在星空下安落帳篷,共度美好的夜晚。而烤肉區則是一個理想的聚會場所,朋友們可以一邊享受美食,一邊聊天笑語。 最令人期待的部分是抵達萌寵動物區。這裡有各種可愛的動物,如乳牛可現場體驗擠乳,還可買飼料餵食可愛的萌寵動物,也可以買個自己喜歡的動物,塗上自己喜歡的顏色。 最期待的時刻就是每天兩場的羊、豬賽跑,可愛又有趣,投中的票區會抽獎送獎品,在看比賽時超刺激又有趣。 在純青湖划船,欣賞美麗的湖光山色,享受著微風徐徐的吹來的舒暢感,留下難忘的美好回憶。 當然更不可錯過豚神旁邊可愛的日式燈籠牆拍照,有著秒飛日本的感覺。與大豚神合影留念,將你的祈願寫在祈福卡上,讓豚神為你實現夢想。來到這美好的環境,感受大自然的擁抱。來到埔心牧場,每一刻都是美好的記憶,快來與動物共舞大草原體驗吧!
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How can I collect my Taiwan high-speed rail tickets?

How do I make amendments to my high speed rail ticket/add-on items?

How can I cancel and refund my Taiwan High Speed Rail ticket?

How can I check the additional items/Terms & Conditions for my train booking?

Book Taiwan High Speed Rail National Travel Combo Tickets online. Booking Taiwan High Speed Rail tickets is a easy with Klook!

What is the Taiwan High Speed Rail (THSR) Travel Combo Ticket?

The Taiwan High Speed Rail (THSR) Travel Combo Ticket is a special discounted transportation package launched by Taiwan High Speed Rail Corporation in collaboration with Klook. It offers great deals on THSR tickets combined with popular add-on items. The THSR Travel Combo Ticket aims to provide users with a convenient one-click booking experience. By booking through Klook, users can simultaneously reserve discounted THSR tickets and popular add-ons, saving time on purchasing tickets at the station and avoiding long lines at rental car agencies or amusement parks. With just one device, users can check the THSR timetable and available add-ons on Klook, ensuring they don't miss out on the beauty of Taiwan!

THSR Discounts Klook offers excellent discounts on THSR tickets, with fares at 15% off. Buying through Klook also allows you to earn vouchers for Starbucks, Häagen-Dazs, and more! Choose from the THSR timetable to book your tickets, combine with selected add-ons, and travel smart with the THSR Travel Combo Ticket. After your journey, you can earn both THSR TGo points and Klook points, enjoying double rewards with a single click!

(1) 15% off applicable train services in 2024 - after 1 Jul 2024

How to book THSR Travel Combo Ticket  Step 1. Select the THSR departure and arrival locations and departure time.  Step 2. Choose the desired THSR train service and seat type, then enter the booking details page.  Step 3. Confirm the ticket type and quantity. Each adult must select at least one add-on. Children’s tickets and half-price tickets for seniors and others do not require add-ons. Each order requires at least one add-on. The order includes at least one adult ticket, and one add-on must be selected. For example, if you want to order a senior ticket, you must order together with one adult ticket + one add-on, in addition to one senior ticket.  Step 4. Fill in contact information, select ticket collection method, optional discount code and points, and confirm the payment amount before proceeding to payment.

Popular THSR routes  THSR offers multiple departure stations, including Nangang, Taipei, Banqiao, Taoyuan, Hsinchu, Miaoli, Taichung, Changhua, Yunlin, Chiayi, Tainan, and Zuoying. These stations are spread across Taiwan, making it convenient for travelers from different cities or towns to take the Taiwan High Speed rail. Popular THSR routes include Taipei to Taichung, Taichung to Zuoying, Taipei to Zuoying, Taipei to Tainan, Taipei to Hsinchu, Taipei to Chiayi, Tainan to Taipei, Taoyuan to Taichung, Taichung to Taipei, Banqiao to Taichung, Hsinchu to Taichung, Tainan to Taichung, and Chiayi to Taipei. Quickly book THSR tickets with one click and travel around Taiwan effortlessly! For more details, visit the THSR Travel Combo Ticket booking homepage to check the routes and timetable!

Popular add-ons for THSR Combo Tickets  The THSR Travel Combo Ticket is an excellent package that not only offers discounts but also saves time spent in line at the station and purchasing other tickets during your journey, ensuring a seamless travel experience. Through Klook, you can buy THSR tickets and choose classic add-ons such as Bib Gourmand meals, theme park tickets, regional car rental services, and shuttle tickets to popular destinations like Sun Moon Lake, Alishan, Xiaoliuqiu, and Kenting. After arriving at the station, you won't need to queue up for shuttle tickets. The THSR and Klook collaboration brings you classic THSR holiday packages, offering a convenient and smart travel experience.

THSR Ticket + WeMo Rental Ticket  THSR Ticket + Bib Gourmand Dishes THSR Ticket + Xiaoliuqiu Ferry Combo Ticket  THSR Ticket + Kenting Express Combo Ticket  THSR Ticket + Kaohsiung MRT Combo Ticket  THSR Ticket + Xpark Aquarium  THSR Ticket + Suzuka Circuit Park Tickets

THSR Timetable  THSR provides multiple services, including early trains, regular trains, and non-reserved seat services. Please note that due to the pandemic, THSR timetables may be adjusted temporarily. We recommend checking the latest THSR timetable and departure information for your desired route. Klook’s THSR booking page offers ticket booking services from 29 days in advance up to 1 hour before departure, allowing you to book THSR tickets and set off immediately without queuing at the station. Enjoy a fast THSR travel experience and a speedy Taiwan High Speed rail holiday.

Important notes  To accommodate special passengers, THSR offers discounted tickets for eligible individuals without requiring add-ons. These include senior tickets, disabled tickets, and child tickets at half-price. Disabled tickets are available to disabled passengers with proof of disability. Passengers with a disability identification card indicating a need for an accompanying person can enjoy half-price tickets for one companion. Senior tickets are for passengers aged 65 and above with proof of age. Eligibility and the way to buy disabled tickets may change based on THSR policy updates. Please check the latest information before purchasing.

By booking the THSR Travel Combo Ticket through Klook, you can enjoy discounts on THSR tickets and book high-quality add-ons with one click. The combo ticket offers more value and convenience, enhancing your travel experience. So, what are you waiting for? Book your THSR Travel Combo Ticket through Klook and enjoy a convenient and comfortable journey with THSR!