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  • Be Kind To Yourself This Mental Health Awareness Day

    Gareth C-J
    Gareth C-J
    Last updated 7 Oct 2020
    Be Kind To Yourself This Mental Health Awareness Day

    Full photo rights granted to Klook by photo owner

    October 10th, 2020 is Mental Health Awareness day. I mean, everyday should be - and in a way, is Mental Health Awareness day, but Saturday 10th October is the extra special ‘shout it loud and proud’ Mental Health Awareness day.
    It’s that specific day where people around the country set time aside to make a brew (maybe even pick up a biscuit or two as well), get comfy, give someone a call and ask how they’re doing. If you could meet up in person, it would be even better, but for this year, let’s play it safe and stick more to socially distanced check-ins.
    The theme for 2020 is ‘mental health for all’, which is absolutely spot on! Positive mental health shouldn’t have any barriers and should be something everyone has support to achieve! But on top of this, and to continue the message from mental health awareness week, we believe that positive mental health starts with kindness. To yourself, to others and to the world around us.
    Be Kind To Yourself This Mental Health Awareness Day
    Full photo rights granted to Klook by photo owner
    Kindness can mean anything, from a free flight upgrade (y’know - that Holy Grail all travellers are searching for), to letting someone on the bus before you (yep, even at rush hour!) and everything in between. 
    Kindness to yourself can take a hundred and one different shapes, too! In fact, we’ve pulled together a few of our favourite ‘self kindness’ examples that our fellow Klookers shared with us...
    Seeing my closest friends is a real ‘gift’ to myself. Catching up with them, laughing and venting can help soooo much. But it has to be the ‘right’ people - y’know, those special few who I know I can just be myself with.
    📝 Ellie, London
    When I'm feeling low, getting out for a run is the perfect solution. The hardest part is finding the motivation to put on my trainers and get out but as soon as I get home I know that it was worth the effort. It doesn't have to be a long run, just a quick 20 mins and my mind feels clearer after leaving all my frustrations outside and I get to come home with a clear head. I've also found out recently that a morning yoga session is a great way to start the day. It gives me a purpose to get out of bed and start the day the right way. These are my little acts of self care but they make a big difference."
    📝 Andy, London
    Be Kind To Yourself This Mental Health Awareness Day Running
    Full photo rights granted to Klook by photo owner
    When I’m feeling nervous or anxious, I clean. I clean, I tidy and I iron. I know it sounds more like a punishment to some people, but it gives me space to calm my thoughts and at the end of it, there’s something tangible I can look at and say ‘I did that.’ That little sense of accomplishment is a real gift that can turn my day around!
    📝 Rak, London
    Be Kind To Yourself This Mental Health Awareness Day
    Full photo rights granted to Klook by photo owner
    Taking a break from social media works wonders for me. Removing myself from a constant cycle of comparison is one of the kindest things I can do for myself. Logging off and just being wherever I am, really helps me feel happier and better about myself.
    📝 Siobhan, London
    Getting outside and taking a break is the thing that works best for me. It feels like such a reward - even if it’s a half a day road trip somewhere an hour away, or something longer like a weekend away. Those are the days that get me out of my head and bring me right into myself - wherever that maybe. That’s the kindest thing I do for myself, and it works wonders to help me reframe things in a more balanced way.
    📝 Stu, London
    These are just a few of our favourite acts of self care and kindness that our friends and customers shared with us, but we’d love to hear from you about things you do to be kinder to  yourself in your mental health journey.
    Drop us a note on Facebook or Instagram and let’s keep the conversation going…