Tai Kwun
The best of Tai Kwun
Bucket-list experiences
Make it a getaway
Events with a lot of buzz
Trouble-free transport
All that's good & tasty
More to explore
Why people love Tai Kwun
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FAQs about Tai Kwun
What are the best times to visit Tai Kwun?
What transportation options are available to reach Tai Kwun?
What important travel advice should I know before visiting Tai Kwun?
What to know before visiting Tai Kwun
Remarkable Landmarks and Must-Visit Sights
Former Central Police Station
Explore the historic buildings of the Former Central Police Station, a declared monument that dates back to the 19th century. Discover the architectural marvels and learn about the law enforcement history of Hong Kong.
Former Central Magistracy
Step into the Former Central Magistracy, another declared monument within Tai Kwun. Delve into the judicial past of the site and admire the intricate details of the preserved structures.
Victoria Prison
Visit the Victoria Prison, an integral part of the Tai Kwun compound. Gain insights into the penal system of the past and witness the transformation of this historical site into a modern cultural hub.
Culture and History
Tai Kwun boasts a rich cultural and historical significance, with 16 restored heritage buildings that showcase the colonial architecture of Hong Kong. Learn about key historical events and immerse yourself in the heritage of the region.
Local Cuisine
Indulge in popular local dishes near Tai Kwun, where you can savor unique flavors and must-try foods. Experience the culinary delights of Hong Kong and explore the vibrant dining scene in the vicinity.