Check your activity's cancellation policy.
- If your activity offers free cancellation:
You can cancel the booking yourself within the cancellation period stated on your booking by following these steps:
- Click on your profile picture in the top right hand corner of the screen.
- Go to the Bookings page
- Find the booking you want to cancel and select "Apply for refund"
- Select refund reason, quantity and then select "Next"
You will then receive an email confirming that your order has been cancelled. You cannot use your previous voucher to participate in this activity.
- If your activity has a conditional cancellation: policy
- Please check the cancellation policy listed on the Activity Page or your voucher on your Bookings page
- If your booking fulfils the stated conditions, get in touch with Klook's Customer Support for help in cancelling your booking.
- If your activity has a no cancellation policy
- No cancellation/refunds will be provided for this activity. We apologise for any inconvenience caused.
No refunds will be provided after you have successfully completed your booking/activity.
If you need to contact Klook Customer Support for help cancelling your booking, please provide us with the following information to help us resolve your inquiry more quickly.
Full name (the same name used for the booking)
Your Booking Reference ID (looks like: ABC123456)
Activity name
Any relevant supporting documents to validate your cancellation requests (flight cancellation notices, medical documents, death certificates, etc.)