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  • All You Need to Know About JR Pass Price Increase and How to Beat It!

    Klook ANZ
    Klook ANZ
    Last updated 18 Feb 2025
    is the jr pass still worth it

    What's the latest update on JR Pass price increases?

    The Japan Railways Group (JR Group) recently announced that they will be increasing the price of the Whole JR Pass around October 2023.
    Along with the hike, they are introducing a range of expanded services to enhance your travel experience. These may include seat reservations through a dedicated website, access to special discounts and services, and automatic ticket gates access for pass holders. 
    Additionally, you'll also be able to use your Japan Rail Pass on Nozomi and Mizuho Shinkansen Bullet Trains, which are not currently covered by the Japan Rail Pass. However, a supplemental fee will still be required. Here's what we know so far:

    What are the biggest changes to the Japan Rail Pass price?

    Is JR Pass Worth It After Price Increase
    From October 2023, the price of a regular 7-day pass will rise from JPY 29,650 to JPY 50,000. Aside from the price increase for the normal pass from JPY 29,650 to JPY 50,000 (69%), the 14-day pass increases from JPY 47,250 to JPY 80,000 (69%), and the 21-day pass increases from JPY 60,450 to JPY 100,000 (65%). Green Car passes will also increase by a similar amount.

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    When will the Japan Rail Pass price increase come into effect?

    The price increase will take effect sometime in October 2023.

    What is the latest date I can book my JR Pass to avoid the price increase?

    How to beat the JR Pass Price increase on Klook
    How to beat the JR Pass Price increase on Klook
    If your travel dates are between now and 28 December 2023, make sure you book your JR Pass on Klook by 30 September 2023 to avoid the price increase. You'll receive your Booking Confirmation and Exchange Order before your travel date.

    If I buy it in August, will my Japan Rail Pass still be usable during the price hike in October?

    Actual prices are still applicable before the increase. Just take note that this only applies to purchases made after the update, not usage. This means you can still use the pass you purchase before the JR Pass price increase.

    But what if I'm planning to travel in October? Will I have to pay the extra price increase?

    If you purchase your JR Pass with Klook before the price change in October, we will honor the original price! We are now also offering you the option to pre-book your JR Pass up to six months in advance. So if you want to dodge the price increase, we would definitely recommend that you pre-book!
    Important Note: If you're planning on pre-booking, please note that you will receive your exchange order once it's within 90 days before your travel date, this will ensure that your exchange order does not expire.

    What does a Whole Japan Rail Pass cover?

    เที่ยวทั่วญี่ปุ่นด้วยบัตร JR Pass
    The Japan Rail Pass (or JR Pass) has made the lives of any foreign tourist visiting Japan much easier throughout the years. With this handy pass, travelers gain unlimited access to all the train lines operated by Japan Railways and other modes of transportation like the JR Bus, JR Ferry, and even monorails.
    A JR Pass is a personal transportation pass specifically for foreign travelers that allows them to access Japan Rail's expansive rail network. There are two types of passes — the Whole Japan Pass and other regional passes. Depending on the pass purchased, travelers can access all relevant train lines operated by Japan Railways.
    The Whole JR Pass is the most popular among travelers, as it covers all Japan Shinkansen lines, connecting them to all major cities in the country. The pass comes in 7, 14, or 21-day validity options and is the perfect way for travelers to freely explore Japan.
    Japan Rail train
    Photo Credit: Rafael Hoyos Weht on Unsplash
    The best part? You can use the JR Pass 24/7 to travel whenever your heart desires. You can also say sayonara to the hassle of purchasing individual tickets for each train journey!
    If you hope to traverse every nook and cranny of Japan, the Whole Japan Rail Pass is the perfect ticket to access nationwide adventure. However, if you prefer to tour specific regions, JR Regional Passes are the way to go!

    How do I save money on buying the JR Pass after the price increase?

    You’ll save up even during the price increase if your travel involves a lot of train and bus transportation. You can also save if you arrive at one city or area and want to explore it as much as possible. You’ll need to ride the train multiple times, and the cost of individual tickets can add up.

    Will the JR Pass still be worth it after the price increase?

    Unsurprisingly, you'll have to think a little harder about whether a JR Pass will be good value for your trip even if you're planning to catch trains on the JR network.
    If you're going by the usual "two destination" rule such as traveling between Tokyo and Osaka, a point-to-point ticket will probably be better value for money. But a Japan Rail Pass will be worth it if you're planning to travel around many places in Japan for example going from Tokyo to Kanazawa, Kyoto, Osaka, and Hiroshima.

    What are the alternatives to a Japan Rail Pass?

    Is JR Pass Worth It After Price Increase
    If you're looking to travel around Japan, the whole Japan Rail pass may seem like the easiest and most cost-efficient way to go about it. But rail passes aren't the only way to travel around Japan. There are other options, and some may be less expensive, more convenient, or simply better suited to your travel and lifestyle.

    Point-to-point train tickets

    Cozy up on a Shinkansen or bullet train to travel long distances in Japan! Credits: @khunfour on Instagram
    Cozy up on a Shinkansen or bullet train to travel long distances in Japan! Credits: @khunfour on Instagram
    Did you know you can still travel on trains in Japan even if you don't have a Japan Rail Pass?
    As one of the most advanced rail networks in the world, taking the Shinkansen is a fast, easy and affordable way to get around cities across Japan. If you want to travel from city to city on a Shinkansen without a JR Pass, you can also buy standard train tickets on Klook.
    Is JR Pass Worth It After Price Increase
    🚨Important Klook Tip🚨: Prices for the Whole Japan JR Pass and many of the JR Regional Passes will increase this October 2023. Beat the price hike by booking your JR Passes with Klook by 30 Sep! Perfect for those planning to travel to Japan by 28 Dec ✈️

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