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Help Trains Taiwan trains How can I cancel an order with "Supermarket Payment/Bank Transfer"?

How can I cancel an order with "Supermarket Payment/Bank Transfer"?

Haven’t yet gone to the supermarket/bank to pay: Apply for a refund on the Klook within the cancellation period of the high-speed rail and additional purchases before picking up the high-speed rail ticket. After successfully cancelling, you will receive a cancellation message from AFTEE. No fee is required; if you have already picked up the high-speed rail ticket, please go to the high-speed rail counter or the original ticket collection location to apply for an offline refund and complete the AFTEE payment after getting the refund cash.

Have already paid at the supermarket/bank: Please apply for a refund on Klook within the cancellation period of the high-speed rail and additional purchases before picking up the high-speed rail ticket. After successfully cancelling, AFTEE will send a refund notification via SMS. At this time, just follow the SMS instructions to fill in and send the relevant information to facilitate AFTEE's refund operation; if you have already taken the high-speed rail ticket, because the high-speed rail order cannot be refunded online, please go to the high-speed rail counter or the original ticket collection location to apply for an offline refund. HSR refund cash.

**Heads up: **Payment must be made within 14 days of the order. If the payment isn’t made, the order won’t be automatically cancelled and additional fees may be incurred.

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