Cagar Alam Mai Po

Objek wisata
★ 4.9 (50+ ulasan) • 3K+ kali dipesan
Immerse yourself in the natural beauty of Mai Po Nature Reserve in Hong Kong, a captivating destination that offers a sanctuary for diverse wildlife and over 400 species of birds. Managed by WWF Hong Kong, Mai Po Nature Reserve showcases the harmonious coexistence of nature and urban development, providing a unique and educational experience for nature enthusiasts and birdwatchers alike. Explore the wetlands, witness the majestic Eastern Imperial Eagles, and indulge in the flavors of Hong Kong while learning about the conservation efforts that protect this internationally important site.
Lihat semua
Lihat semua
Cagar Alam Mai Po, Yuen Long, Teritori Baru, Hong Kong - Kawasan Administratif Khusus

Terbaik dari Cagar Alam Mai Po

Pengalaman idamanmu
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Rp 3,284,823
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Destinasi di sekitar

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FAQ tentang Cagar Alam Mai Po

Kapan waktu terbaik untuk mengunjungi Cagar Alam Mai Po?

Apa saja opsi transportasi yang tersedia untuk mencapai Cagar Alam Mai Po?

Apa saran perjalanan penting yang harus saya ketahui sebelum mengunjungi Cagar Alam Mai Po?

Informasi penting sebelum mengunjungi Cagar Alam Mai Po

Tempat Wisata Terpilih

Gei Wai

Explore the traditional shrimp ponds known as Gei Wai, providing food for birds and adding to the rich biodiversity of the marshes.

Mangrove Boardwalk

Stroll along the mangrove boardwalk to observe the unique ecosystem of inter-tidal mangroves and discover the importance of these habitats.

Wildlife Education Centre

Visit the Wildlife Education Centre to learn about the conservation efforts and the diverse flora and fauna that call Mai Po Nature Reserve home.

Cultural and Historical Significance

Mai Po Nature Reserve holds cultural and historical significance as a Ramsar site since 1995, attracting globally important wetland birds during migration seasons. Explore the historical and cultural significance of this unique conservation area.

Local Cuisine

While exploring Mai Po Nature Reserve, be sure to try local dishes in nearby Yuen Long, offering a taste of authentic Hong Kong flavors. Sample sun-dried tomato chutney sammies inspired by the vibrant birding culture of the region. Experience the fusion of traditional and modern culinary delights in the bustling city.